
Teams ranked 1-8 will qualify for the playoff. Teams ranked 9-12 will qualify for the Consolidation Cup. Team with the lowest ranking from the group stage starts with hammer. The other team choses stone colour. Highest ranked team practice last. Sheets are announced before the quaterfinals.

Playoff ranking after group stage:
1. SWE Westman/Ahlberg
2. RUS Gadzhikanov/Biktimirova
3. NOR Rønning/Brænden
4. POL Bylina/Nowakowski
5. SWE Fransson/Köhn
6. LAT Regza/Regza
7. SWE Team Moen Sports
8. EST Turmann/Lill
9. DEN Wiksten/Wiksten
10. DEN Jensen/Berger
11. SWE Osbjer/Hanna
12. LIT Iceproof
13. LIT Jurkute/Rymeikis


Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bronze game

Consolidation Cup

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3