The closest hotels to the venue (within walking distance) is Radison Blue Riverside and Clarion Hotel The Pier.
If you need advice or other options let us know.
Travel to Gothenburg:
Gothenburg Airport Landvetter (GOT) is some 30 minutes from the city center. There are Airport Coaches available.
Public transport:
Gothenburg has a good public transportation system and the venue is easily accessible with bus or boat.
Address is Valdemar Noréns gata 17, 41755, Göteborg. The closest bus stop is Pumpgatan or Regnbågsgatan.
The curling hall has four sheets of ice and a warm spectator area with a café that will serve refreshments, coffee and lighter meals during the tournament. Payment by card or Swish. No cash.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact:
Anders Pettersson
Tournament Director
+46-706 29 34 67